Home Gardening For Leisure

Home gardening for leisure can also be done for profit, not the type of gain that large agricultural businesses do but for home profit, where one can save on flower and vegetable costs from supermarket purchases. Home gardening can be fun.

Grow vegetables, medicinal herbs, and flowers. Cornell University gives some tips on what vegetables to grow and how to grow these. There are 58 garden vegetables from Artichoke to Zucchini that one can produce in the backyard lot of one’s home. Beets, broccoli, sweet corn, potatoes, eggplants, and pumpkins can be grown. Imagine a home where one need not go to the vegetable market just to buy vegetables for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

At the same time, gardening for leisure can be therapeutic since it takes the mind away from the stresses of life and places one closer to the rhythms of nature. If you love carrots, the vegetable requires full sunlight but can tolerate very light shade. It is easy to take care and can tolerate light frost. To plant carrots, you have to propagate it by seed. With adequate moisture, the seed will germinate at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or at 75F in a week’s time.

The carrot seed will emerge as a plant from 7 to 21 days. The best time to plant carrots is during spring, about 2 to 3 weeks before the last frost. Plant in the ½ inch deep soil, ½ inch apart, in rows of 12 to 24 inches apart. An intensely worked soil with excellent, weed-free seedbed will significantly improve the chances of a successful crop. If you have a full area for planting vegetables, you might even produce a surplus and sell the extra vegetables to neighbors.

For flowers, there are 269 flowers and foliage plants that you can plant and grow in your home garden. These range from Achillea Millefolium to African daisy, to dahlias, tulips, and zinnias. The Bokhara tulip or bright yellow blooms are particularly suited to rock garden natural décor. To plant this flower type, you propagate by division or separation by dividing the bulbs in the fall, when clumps have become overcrowded. Plant the bulbs 5 inches beneath the soil surface. Rid the area of snails and aphids. This type of flower has an attractive variety of colors.

As you cultivate vegetables and flowers in your home garden, you will notice a change in your psychological condition from one of stressful to almost non-stressful living. Leisure is taking pleasure in the doing of a thing that is light, easy and encouraging.

Better Homes and Gardens provides some tips on starting a vegetable garden. First, pick the right site or spot in the backyard where the sun can send its light down without any interference. Once a backyard (or front yard) site is chosen, make sure the soil is good, and there’s plenty of water. One can also enhance the land by adding organic fertilizer or organic soil.

Some benefits: experts estimate that planting one tomato plant can provide 10 pounds of fruit over the course of a season, which is a lot of savings. Vegetable garden-produced tomatoes far exceed grocery store produce in flavor and texture of varieties.